Happy Thanksgiving, and One More Thing!

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Hello all,

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday, and safe travels if you are on the road, bus, train or plane to spend the holidays with loved ones.

I’m also going to make a request: If you believe in climate change, please call your senators and let them know that you oppose the prospective new chair of the EPA, Myron Ebell. Mr. Ebell is well-known as a climate denier, friend of big oil and fracking, and just about everything else that might very well pose a major threat to you, your family and this beautiful planet of ours. I urge you to call your US senators, express your urgent concerns, ask them what is being done to push back against what may very well be a travesty.

This is not political. This is reality. Just as climate change is reality.

Your children, grandchildren, and theirs will thank you.

And, I thank you, too!