A Time for Strength and Compassion

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Dear Friends and Neighbors,
The upheaval of the recent National elections has been profoundly shocking for many. But this note is not about politics, as I believe the after-shock far transcends ‘politics as usual’. Rather, I see it as a time of great transformation, major change in consciousness, and a call for awakening and action. While the transformation is exhibiting itself in some very challenging ways, I urge you to look deeper, if at all possible, to face what may have been there all the time, but has perhaps been hidden or denied. Many have been suffering, and expressed a cry for change, despite the vulgar package it came in.
So, while the scale has been tipped in a different, but radical direction, it is still imbalanced. My personal hope is that we can find that balance as individuals, as a People and as a Nation. Which brings me to the call for action. It doesn’t matter if you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent or other, what does matter is your response to the ugly aspects that have now surfaced.
I ask you to take a stand: to denounce bigotry,racism, bullying, hate crimes and actions in all and any forms, misogyny, Global climate denial (embrace science for the future of your children and the planet, it is real!), and all the other lower aspects of humanity that have surfaced. Do it with strength, do it with love, but do it! As Gandhi said, ‘Be the change you want’.
We really are ‘all in this together’, and what an opportunity this is to be a beacon of light, and hope, and empowerment, to tilt the scale back to some semblance of sanity with compassion. Not with force, not with violence. But, with your daily voice, action and deeds. Together let’s seize this opportunity to raise the level of consciousness, find our way to true freedom and liberation, for one and for all.
This letter is the first step in my pledge to action, won’t you join me?
Sincerely and with love,