An Important Message to Everyone Who is Unhappy With the 2016 Election!

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Greetings, friends
I don’t usually get involved with politics, but this note is about way more than politics. It’s about the very real dangers facing our Country with the potential placement of the president-elect, and his prospective cabinet candidates. If you are deeply unhappy about this course of action facing our Country, I urge you to call your representatives today, both local and State, senators and congressmen. IMPLORE them to change their electoral vote coming up on 12/19, and do not allow Trump to be sworn into office. He is unfit to lead this nation, again, this is not political. It is fact. He refuses to devote any time to reading security briefs, the same briefs that Bush failed to read 3 days before 9/11. Make your voice heard, they can vote for anyone else they want, doesn’t need to be Hillary, or even a democrat, just NOT TRUMP. This is URGENT. The dangers are REAL. This is your country, and your life. Take steps to safeguard both today!
Call NOW!!

Concerned Citizens of