Columbia County, NY in the Beautiful Fall!

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Yes, the leaves are turning, and as always, they’re glorious, and yes, the Apples are ready for picking, and they are ripe and juicy, but so much more is going on. This is the Community that never sleeps; always building, growing, for the betterment of the people who live here, work here, as well as visitors from near and far. Just a few updates you might like to know about:

Remember the Cottage? That little roadside eatery on Route 295 heading East, toward the Berkshires or Vermont? Yes, it changed hands several times since the family owned restaurant sold, but none of the previous owners succeeded. All that has changed now, as two East Chatham firefighters, and foodies, purchased and renovated the place. This is truly exciting! They will be serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, and word has it that they really know what they’re doing! The grand opening is this coming Monday! Congratulations to The East Chatham Food Company, we know this will be a winner!!

One other item of note: The 17th. Annual Film Columbia Festival is scheduled to open October 22nd. Each year this festival has grown bigger, more popular and more successful. This year will be no different. The roster of films and events is terrific. Check it out and get your tickets now. There will be expanded dates and venues (including Hudson, NY) as started last year and greatly popular!