Discover the rich outdoor heritage of the Hudson Valley and Beyond….

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Do you like to hike, kayak, cycle, ski, or just explore? One of the great benefits of Country life are the many opportunities available to get outdoors and do more of these activities you don’t get to do in the big City. Sitting behind a desk all week and glued to your computers can make one forget the vast beauty that is available just a short distance away. It’s really amazing how time expands in just a two- day weekend when you’re out of the City environment and back to the joys of being in nature. My next entry will include a list of bed and breakfasts for you to come and spend a weekend in the Country and see first hand what I’m talking about. In the meantime, if you’d like more information about how/when/and where to do some of these activities, here’s a link you might find helpful:

This is the Hudson Valley chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club, where you’ll find a schedule of events for every activity and every level of ability. This is very inexpensive but invaluable as to the benefits in joy, community, fun and good health.

Here’s to you!