Come join the Messiah Sing!

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Have you ever participated in a group sing-along? It’s great fun, and here’s your chance to do it! Gwen Gould will be conducting the Messiah SING at the First Presbyterian Church, located at 369 Warren Street in Hudson, Saturday 12/19 at 4pm. It will be presented with an instrumental ensemble and featured soloists, and the audience is invited to pick up a score and join the chorus to sing the Christmas portion of Handel’s oratorio. This is wonderful fun for all music lovers. There is a suggested donation of $15.00, and students under the age of 18 are free. Reservations can be secured by calling the Hudson Opera House at:518-822-1438. Then, afterwards, have dinner at any one of the many fantastic Hudson restaurants. Better make reservations for that as well! Hudson is bustling during this Holiday season, and really, with so much to do, year round!

Come and join the fun! Check out my video of Hudson if you aren’t familiar with the area!

Hope to see you there!